We are pleased ...

... to welcome you to our beautiful place!


So that we can answer you as quickly as possible, we need the following data when you make your enquiry:

  • Name, address & date of birth of the main booker.
  • Period on which you would like to come (arrival/departure day).
  • Number of persons (incl. first name/surname/date of birth).
  • For children we also need first name/surname/date of birth.
  • Are you travelling with a dog (pet)?

ATTENTION! For large families and travel groups we can make you a customised offer!

Please call

Mobile: +43 664 8474384

Book by post

Sunside Apartments

Ischler Straße 25

A-4854 Weißenbach am Attersee

Make a booking request

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Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.


Sunside Apartments Guesthouse

Ischler Straße 27

A-4854 Weißenbach am Attersee



N 47.795398 E 13.538643

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Bäckerservice Innendorfer


Gemeindeamt Steinbach

Erik Veistrup



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